Publication Policy

PEPE - Papers in Evolutionary Political Economy - is an electronic working paper series devoted to the publication of high quality contributions of all fields covered by the research areas of EAEPE, the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy. PEPE therefore shares the goals of EAEPE: To these goals PEPE adds the explicit objective to provide an entry point for researchers starting their carreer. The variety encountered in PEPE thus also concerns the maturity of the papers published - highly elaborated surveys by senior economists will be mixed with rather unconventional papers of scientific newcomers. Evolution of theory shall work on diversity.

The quality of contributions certainly has to be a matter of permanent concern. In that respect PEPE emphasizes the relevance of the content of contributions while nevertheless also insisting that papers must meet necessary requirements of formal versatility.

To achieve this type of quality contributions will be evaluated by two referees. One referee will always be a coordinator of the respective research area, the second one will be assigned by the team of editors. To assure the variety of topics aimed at, no more than 2 papers per year can be contributed per EAEPE research area. All contributions must be submitted via one of EAEPE's research areas (see also 'How to Submit'). Contributions to EAEPE's annual conference will be a major source of papers (PEPE should also provide some kind of organizational memory), but submissions are not restricted to conference contributions.

We hope that with our new electronic working papers series we can stimulate research in evolutionary political economy, and can contribute to the continuity and evolution of our scientific community.

The editorial team
Hardy Hanappi (Scientific Development Plan Officer of EAEPE), Maria Lissowska, Ioanna Minoglou

Gerhard Hanappi (general editor representing EAEPE)
Argentinierstrasse 8, 4th floor, Institute 105-3
A-1040 Vienna